Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Winter Wonder

Could this really have happened?  Snow in the Tennessee Mts.  Yes it did and with camera in hand I went out and braved the snow.  My son Christopher was out all day playing and rolling up snow ball to create a snow man as you can see he is sitting on the lower half.  Did he ever get the snow man built?  No.  But he had fun before he started to complain about the cold on his hands.  


Lee Goldberg said...

This isn't really about your's about your very nice review of my book MR. MONK AND THE TWO ASSISTANTS. It's gratifying to know that my books are being enjoyed as simple and amusing entertainment -- since that is exactly what I am aiming for when I write them. Thank you so much!


The Stylish House said...

I love to discover a new follower on my blog, because it allows me to visit yours. Christopher is adorable and at such a fun age. I read you lived overseas like me. I also kick myself for not being interested in photography at that time. You mentioned you are a fiber artist; I took loom weaving when I was in design school and loved it. I worked on an 8 harness loom and covet one now, maybe someday. I joined to follow you on twitter; it will be fun and interesting to keep up and see what you do. Have a wonderful day…….~Cathy~

editor said...

I found you on blogcatalog. But hei I did not know there was a Monk book. The TV shows are amazing.

Well just came to say hi.
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